sido demasiadas emociones encontradas en los últimos meses y demasiado
sufrimiento acumulado en el orden más personal, como para que su inmenso
corazón no terminase estallando por fatiga este fín de semana, tal vez por su
necesidad de reencontrarse con Luz, su madre nonagenaria, fallecida hace
ya casi tres meses y su verdadero referente vital en el último tramo de
la vida de ambos, por dejarlo en este punto ante la trascendencia en la
que ahora va a entrar una vez pasen los próximos 40 días y lleguemos al
25 de marzo, verdadera fecha del nacimiento de Jesucristo y de la
definitiva marcha al otro mundo de este amigo inolvidable por su
profundidad, lealtad y bonhomía.
había nacido en uno de los destinos militares de su padre, músico, en
el Ejército del Aíre (Santiago de la Ribera (Murcia) 1945-Faura
(Valencia) 2018), siempre se sintió muy valenciano, valenciano de la
Corona de Aragón cuyos confines meridionales José Francisco (Omar)
Ribelles situaba más allá del castillo de Chinchilla de Monte Aragón, la
sierra de Alcaraz casi en el límite del norte andaluz oriental. Lo
tenía muy estudiado y releido en literatura medieval mediterránea. Y que situase El Quixote en
esas tierras y la cuna de Cervantes junto al Mediterráneo pese a, su
juicio, la apropiación indebida por el imperio castellano de una figura
universal y héroe de Lepanto y Berbería.
ahí que viviese, enarbolando su bandera republicana, los últimos
acontecimientos muy de cerca hasta el punto de presentarse en Barcelona
en dos ocasiones después del 1-O y antes de las elecciones catalanas,
para palpar de cerca el sentimiento de la calle y medir a los líderes
sociales, incluso logró conocer a alguno de ellos o sus esposas aunque
recibiese el rechazo impúdico de otros ante su actitud expectante y sus
preguntas impertinentes para llegar al fondo de la estrategia del procés, enmedio del cual no le faltó algún flirteo de señor maduro que ya veía casi imposible a su edad).
erudito donde los hubiese, al margen de sus licenciaturas en la
Universidad de Madrid mis conversaciones de los últimos cinco años con
él sobre muy variados temas, (preferentemente sobre el Islam por ser la
religión que profesaba hace muchisimos años al margen de su formación de
juventud con los Jesuitas) han sido de las más interesantes y
enriquecedoras en mi ya larga existencia ante la gran experiencia
espiritual acumulada por su contacto profundo a lo largo de su vida con
varias civilizaciones contemporáneas en Asia, África y Europa.
valenciano universal se ha aventurado, y ha vivido, en razón de sus
negocios varios, largas temporadas, al menos, en Gran Bretaña, China, el
Magreb y la península Arábiga (aparte de peregrinar varias veces a La Meca), con desigual suerte como vendedor,
promotor o contratista, sobre la base siempre de la industria cerámica
desarrollada en, para él, su cercana Castellón. La crisis y los nuevos
malos modos en los negocios son también la causa indirecta de su
inesperada desaparición un viernes (día sagrado musulmán) en plena
Cuaresma cristiana, él que llegaba a estar ayunando durante semanas
varias veces al año, al margen de las exigencias puntuales de su
religión por el Ramadán.
se puede decir que sus países preferidos dentro del universo musulmán
eran, por este orden, Turquía, Indonesia y Pakistán porque también en
este plano era tan crítico como en su vida civil y profesional. Incluso
negaba la invasión árabe de la Península Ibérica como tal y era un
verdadero enamorado, hasta la entrega, del místico sufí murciano de los
siglos XII y XIII, Ibn-Arabí, por su filosofía de vida
dentro de la fé de Mahoma, lo que puede dar una idea de la catadura
moral de Omar Ribelles como persona aunque su muy fuerte carácter y
lengua suelta, a fuer de descarnadamente sincero, pudiese llegar a
confundir a quienes se preocuparon poco de analizarlo en su esencia como
ser humano, incluido cierto nivel de ingenuidad por el reducto de
inocencia de corazón que aún albergaba a los 72 años y que tantos
disgustos le costaron frente a los comunes.
fué un incomprendido porque éste hace mucho que dejó de ser su tiempo
por regresión moral de los demás. Ahí se explican mejor sus últimos
intentos, sin suerte, en Arabia, Cuba, Marruecos o la Costa del Sol con
el tapial como sistema arcaico pero sostenible de construcción capaz de
erradicar la humedad y lograr estancias naturalmente isotermas en climas
cálidos. O sus premoniciones sobre el AVE a La Meca por la
incompetencia de la ingeniería española en un desierto de arena muy fina
y siempre volando por los vientos casi constantes en esa latitud.
con los destacados socialistas valencianos Joan y Vicent Garcés por la
vía de los Camarelles, Juan Francisco era un hombre necesariamente
progresista debido a una vida tan internacional como intensa y su
entrega sincera y regular a la búsqueda de la Verdad, al margen de su
peripecia comercial genéticamente incardinada en su ser por
mediterráneo, hasta llegar también a descubrir y penetrar en el budismo
por puro instinto y curiosidad sobre el sentido de la Vida.
En el recuerdo quedan, para siempre, el almuerzo (agua salada incluida en el menú) con el Dr. Álvarez en su casa-acantilado de Salobreña; las consultas en Elche con el Dr. Pereda; la visita a la muralla árabe de Murcia y al palacio del califa junto al especialista y amigo profundo Fernando Mora; las charlas, casi siempre sin acuerdo, con el empresario Antonio Arce (quien nos presentó) en el Club de Regatas de Alicante, sin pasar por alto la visita que me hizo de su parte mi paisano Pepe Pellicer, su compañero de aventuras en Mauritania, aquella visita guiada por él al Albaycín granadino en un regreso de Marbella, y los almuerzos en 'El Celler', en Faura, con sobremesas ya irrepetibles, toleradas por Carmen Seller, por los temas de actualidad tratados y el caudal de información proporcionada al amigo periodista para la necesaria conformación de un contexto que haga mucho más comprensible la intensidad de los hechos que se suceden sin aparente conexión.
Sin duda, Omar, Pepe, te echaremos
muchisimo de menos y eso me obligará a pasar por Faura, de vez en
cuando, a rezar ante tu lápida a ese Dios que, como dijo el imam de tu
ceremonia fúnebre en el tanatorio de tu pueblo, es el mismo para todos:
judios, cristianos y musulmanes, al menos, con independencia del Libro y
el profeta portador del Mensaje. Y el que, ahora siento, te puso en mi
camino tras dos estruendos premonitorios de la Naturaleza como símbolo
de la Creación.
Así que ve disfrutando del
Paraíso mientras aquí lloramos por nosotros mismos y celebramos que ya
estés junto al Padre como gran sentido de tu propia existencia.
(*) Periodista
Omar Ribelles, a Spanish Muslim who lived in Arabia and made several pilgrimages to Mecca/Paco Poveda *
There have been too many emotions found in recent months and too much suffering accumulated in the most personal order, so that his immense heart did not end up exploding by fatigue this weekend, perhaps because of his need to meet again with Luz, his nonagenarian mother, who passed away almost three months ago and his true vital reference in the last part of their life, to leave it at this point before the transcendence in which it is now going to enter.
Although he was born in one of the military destinies of his father, a musician, in the Army of the Air (Santiago de la Ribera (Murcia) 1945-Faura (Valencia) 2018), he always felt very Valencian, Valencian of the Crown of Aragon whose southern borders José Francisco (Omar) Ribelles was located beyond the castle of Chinchilla de Monte Aragón, the Sierra de Alcaraz mountain range almost on the border of northern andalusian eastern Andalusia. He had it well studied and relegated in Medieval Mediterranean literature. And to place El Quixote in those lands and the cradle of Cervantes next to the Mediterranean despite, in his opinion, the misappropriation by the Castilian empire of a universal figure and hero of Lepanto and Barbary.
(Hence he lived, flying his republican flag, the latest events very closely up to the point of presenting himself in Barcelona on two occasions after the 1-O and before the Catalan elections, to closely feel the feeling of the street and measure the social leaders, he even managed to meet some of them or their wives even if he received the indecent rejection of others in front of their expectant attitude and their impertinent questions to get to the bottom of the
Scholarly man where there were, apart from his undergraduate degrees at the University of Madrid, my conversations of the last five years with him on a wide variety of subjects, (preferably on Islam, because it was the religion he professed many years ago, apart from his youth formation with the Jesuits) have been among the most interesting and enriching in my long existence, given the great spiritual experience he has accumulated through his deep contact throughout his life with several different religions.
This universal Valencian has ventured, and has lived, because of his business several long seasons, at least in Great Britain, China, the Maghreb and the Arabian Peninsula (apart from going on pilgrimage several times to Mecca), with unequal luck as a seller, promoter or contractor, always based on the ceramic industry developed in, for him, his nearby Castellón. The crisis and new bad business manners are also the indirect cause of his unexpected disappearance on a Friday (Muslim holy day) in the middle of Christian Lent, when he was fasting for weeks several times a year, apart from the punctual demands of his religion for Ramadan.
It can now be said that their favourite countries within the Muslim universe were, in this order, Turkey, Indonesia and Pakistan because they were as critical here as they were in their civil and professional lives. He even denied the Arab invasion of the Iberian Peninsula as such and was a true lover, until the surrender, of the Sufi Murcian mystic of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, Ibn-Arabí, for his philosophy of life within the faith of Muhammad, which can give an idea of the moral taste of Omar Ribelles as a person although his very strong character and loose language, If it were to be starkly sincere, it might confuse those who cared little about analyzing him in his essence as a human being, including a certain level of naivety for the redoubt of innocence of heart that still housed him at the age of 72 and that cost him so much displeasure in front of the common.
Finally he was misunderstood because this was a long time ago that he ceased to be his time because of the moral regression of others. There they explain better their last attempts, without luck, in Arabia, Cuba, Morocco or the Costa del Sol with the tapial as an archaic but sustainable construction system capable of eradicating humidity and achieving naturally isothermal stays in warm climates. Or his premonitions about the AVE to Mecca because of the incompetence of Spanish engineering in a desert of very fine sand and always flying by the almost constant winds in that latitude.
Although he was born in one of the military destinies of his father, a musician, in the Army of the Air (Santiago de la Ribera (Murcia) 1945-Faura (Valencia) 2018), he always felt very Valencian, Valencian of the Crown of Aragon whose southern borders José Francisco (Omar) Ribelles was located beyond the castle of Chinchilla de Monte Aragón, the Sierra de Alcaraz mountain range almost on the border of northern andalusian eastern Andalusia. He had it well studied and relegated in Medieval Mediterranean literature. And to place El Quixote in those lands and the cradle of Cervantes next to the Mediterranean despite, in his opinion, the misappropriation by the Castilian empire of a universal figure and hero of Lepanto and Barbary.
(Hence he lived, flying his republican flag, the latest events very closely up to the point of presenting himself in Barcelona on two occasions after the 1-O and before the Catalan elections, to closely feel the feeling of the street and measure the social leaders, he even managed to meet some of them or their wives even if he received the indecent rejection of others in front of their expectant attitude and their impertinent questions to get to the bottom of the
Scholarly man where there were, apart from his undergraduate degrees at the University of Madrid, my conversations of the last five years with him on a wide variety of subjects, (preferably on Islam, because it was the religion he professed many years ago, apart from his youth formation with the Jesuits) have been among the most interesting and enriching in my long existence, given the great spiritual experience he has accumulated through his deep contact throughout his life with several different religions.
This universal Valencian has ventured, and has lived, because of his business several long seasons, at least in Great Britain, China, the Maghreb and the Arabian Peninsula (apart from going on pilgrimage several times to Mecca), with unequal luck as a seller, promoter or contractor, always based on the ceramic industry developed in, for him, his nearby Castellón. The crisis and new bad business manners are also the indirect cause of his unexpected disappearance on a Friday (Muslim holy day) in the middle of Christian Lent, when he was fasting for weeks several times a year, apart from the punctual demands of his religion for Ramadan.
It can now be said that their favourite countries within the Muslim universe were, in this order, Turkey, Indonesia and Pakistan because they were as critical here as they were in their civil and professional lives. He even denied the Arab invasion of the Iberian Peninsula as such and was a true lover, until the surrender, of the Sufi Murcian mystic of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, Ibn-Arabí, for his philosophy of life within the faith of Muhammad, which can give an idea of the moral taste of Omar Ribelles as a person although his very strong character and loose language, If it were to be starkly sincere, it might confuse those who cared little about analyzing him in his essence as a human being, including a certain level of naivety for the redoubt of innocence of heart that still housed him at the age of 72 and that cost him so much displeasure in front of the common.
Finally he was misunderstood because this was a long time ago that he ceased to be his time because of the moral regression of others. There they explain better their last attempts, without luck, in Arabia, Cuba, Morocco or the Costa del Sol with the tapial as an archaic but sustainable construction system capable of eradicating humidity and achieving naturally isothermal stays in warm climates. Or his premonitions about the AVE to Mecca because of the incompetence of Spanish engineering in a desert of very fine sand and always flying by the almost constant winds in that latitude.
Related to the outstanding Valencian socialists Joan and Vicent Garcés by way of the Camarelles, Juan Francisco was necessarily a progressive man due to his international and intense life and his sincere and regular dedication to the search for Truth, regardless of his commercial adventures genetically incardinated in his being by Mediterranean, until he also came to discover and penetrate Buddhism by pure instinct and curiosity about the meaning of Buddhism.
In memory of Dr. Alvarez's lunch (salt water included in the menu) with Dr. Alvarez at his house on the cliff of Salobrena; the consultations in Elche with Dr. Alvarez. Pereda; the visit to the Arab wall of Murcia and the palace of the caliph together with the specialist and deep friend Fernando Mora; talks, almost always without agreement, with the businessman Antonio Arce (who introduced us) at the Alicante Race Club, without overlooking the visit that my countryman Pepe Pellicer, his companion of adventures in Mauritania, made on his behalf, that guided visit to the Granada Albaycín on his return from Marbella, and the lunches in' El Celler', in Faura, with unrepeatable afternoons, tolerated by Carmen Seller, for the current topics dealt with and the wealth of information provided to the journalist friend for the necessary conformation of a context that makes much more comprehensible the intensity of the events that happen without apparent connection.
Without a doubt, Omar, Pepe, we will miss you very much and that will force me to pass through Faura, from time to time, to pray before your tombstone to that God who, as the imam of your funeral ceremony said in the mortuary of your people, is the same for everyone: Jews, Christians and Muslims, at least, regardless of the Book and the prophet carrying the Message. And the one who, I now feel, put you in my path after two roaring premonitories of Nature as a symbol of Creation.
So go enjoy Paradise while here we weep for ourselves and celebrate that you are already with the Father as a great sense of your own existence.
(*) Journalist
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